SP34 Direct Vent Gas Fireplace
SP34 DV Gas Fireplace by Kozy Heat
As an ideal heating solution, the SP34 is a great solution for smaller rooms that require just that little bit of extra added heat. Because it’s a direct vent model, it can be placed almost anywhere in the home; with venting connecting it to the outside world, air is allowed to flow around the fire bin when necessary.
IPI and Millivolt Options
Screen Front - Included
20,500 BTU/hr Input-NG
20,500 BTU/hr Input - LP
High Efficiency:
Natural Gas - 67.14%
LP Gas - 68.91%
NG- 70.18 %
LP Gas - 70.07%
High Quality Lifetime Glass (28" x 20-1/2")
Quick-Latch Glass
Optional Features
Refractory Options:
Black Enamel Refractory
Overlay Options
Arched Prairie Overlay
Prairie Overlay
Fan Kit - Optional
Remote Options
Deluxe On/Off Remote Control
Themostat Remote Control
Wall mount Thermostat (wireless also available)