Gas Inserts
We carry Mendota, Kozy Heat, Jotul, and Valor. All of our gas inserts are High Efficiency (75% to 86%), and come with Ceramic Glass, Variable Flame Height Controls, Variable Speed Blowers, and a Remote Control.
Expect More From Your Mantel
FullView Gas Fireplace Insert
See more of the flames, less of the metal
D Series Gas Fireplace Insert
Two sizes fit virtually every fireplace
FullView Décor Gas Fireplace Insert
Reflect your style and design
Kozy Heat
Making Your Home Beautiful And Efficient With Fireplaces
Chaska 25 Gas Fireplace Insert
The smallest gas insert fireplace. Available with traditional log set.
Chaska 335S Gas Fireplace Insert
Gas insert fireplace with a traditional log set and millivolt system.
Roosevelt 29 Gas Fireplace Insert
A fireplace gas insert that comes in three different media kits – Traditional Log, Birchwood Log, and a Beach Accent Kit.
Chaska 29 Gas Fireplace Insert
Chaska gas insert fireplace available with multiple media sets.
Nordik 29i Gas Fireplace Insert
Gas insert fireplace with “elevated” upgrades, perfect for any home.
Roosevelt 34 Gas Fireplace Insert
A fireplace gas insert that comes in two different media kits – Traditional Log, and Birchwood Log.
Chaska 34 Gas Fireplace Insert
Chaska gas insert fireplace available with multiple media sets.
Nordik 34i Gas Fireplace Insert
Gas insert fireplace with “elevated” upgrades, perfect for any home.
Stay In Touch With Valor
Legend G4 Gas Fireplace Insert
The G4 increases your overall home efficiency, provides ease-of-use heat control and more.
Portrait Gas Fireplace Insert
Adaptive fireplace fronts complement both traditional and contemporary room settings.
Legend G3.5 Gas Fireplace Insert
The G3.5 has over two decades of design innovation and four generations of Legend DNA.
Retrofire Gas Fireplace Insert
Easily turn your existing fireplace into an energy efficient heat source with the Retrofire.
Legend G3 Gas Fireplace Insert
Easy-to-use, energy saving features position the G3 as a leader in efficient zone heating
Timeless Norwegian Craft
GI 450 DV II Katahdin Gas Insert
The perfect combination of technology and timeless cast iron design.
GI 535 DV IPI New Harbor Gas Insert
The GI 535 combines time honored craftsmanship with modern design
GI 635 DV IPI Newcastle Gas Insert
The GI 635 is the perfect blend of modern cast iron and traditional charm